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How to choose your glasses

How to choose your glasses

10 tips for choosing the right frame

  • Balance your figure with their glasses, choose them by looking at themselves from head to toe. Don't take big glasses if you're short and petite.
  • The chosen mount must follow the curve of the eyebrows and never cut it.
  • Consider the spacing of your eyes: choose a dark color for the bridge if you have the splayed eyes or a narrow and clear bridge for the close eyes. The bridge is the part of the frame that connects the two lenses and fits the nose.
  • If you have a nose rather big or long, choose a low or dark-colored bridge, and for a short nose, prefer bridge enough high and light in color.
  • The more the mount is dark more his form takes on importance on the face.
  • Be careful with mounts going in the opposite direction of a defect as this accentuates it. For example, avoid glasses going upwards (like the butterfly shape) if you have droopy eyes.
  • the height of the mount must be proportionate to your face, too big, your face will appear shrunken and too small, it will widen the face.
  • When choosing your eyeglass frames consider the words that describe your personality, your character and sense of identity that you want to send. Become aware of the message you want to convey. Determine the aspect of your personality that you like the most or want to emphasize.
  • The two-tone glasses can give pretty effects: a bright color and hot in red, pink, cherry or burgundy tones present just inside the bezel and branches will illuminate your eyes and your face (in this case absolutely avoid cold colors: green or blue). For the color on the outside of the bezel, you can then stay in sober and light tones.
  • Always for the choice of colors, the "safe" method is to match the color of the glasses with the color of the hair.

Choose your glasses according to the shape of your face

Adaptez vos montures a votre visage

Most people know their blood type, if they are allergic, and sometimes even their social security number.
But do they really know the shape of their face?

It may sound trivial, but whether you are a man or a woman, it is useful to know the morphology of his face.

Determine your face shape can help you choose a suitable hairstyle, the right make-up, the ideal hair removal for your eyebrows or the perfect beard size…

But above all, it will allow you to find glasses that (perfectly) fit you.

Choose your glasses according to the shape of your face will allow you to highlight it. 

But as with other accessories (hats, jewelry, etc.), it is necessary to know your morphology well. to avoid fashion faux pas!

Determine your face shape

Determine the dominant geometric shape of your face: Clear your face well, then observe its shape in front of a mirror. You can also take a selfie, print it and then trace the outline of the face to see the most obvious shape appear.

It exists 7 basic shapes for the face: round, oval, triangular of the lower base, triangular of the upper base, rectangular, square and diamond. 

You will find below the mount types that go best with each of them.

If you are a man, don't worry, the notices below apply equally!

Frames adapted to the shape of his face

Oval shaped face

An oval face is often considered the ideal shape due to its balanced proportions.

Tip: Maintain the natural balance of an oval face, prefer frames that are as wide (or wider) than the widest part of your face.

The round glasses or "pantos" shaped frames, neither too big nor too narrow, are a very good choice.

heart shaped face

A heart-shaped face has the upper 1/3 wide and the lower 1/3 narrower.

The board : Reduce the apparent width of the top of the facechoose frame shapes that are wider at the base.

Aviator-style glasses are required. Thin, light-colored glasses with a light and airy appearance are also a good choice.

Oblong face shape

An oblong face is longer than wide and has a long vertical line at the cheeks.

Tip: Balance and shorten this face shape, try glasses that are taller than they are wide.

Frames with contrasting temples will also add width to the face.

Square shaped face

A square face presents a strong jaw and a broad forehead.

The width and the length of the face have, more or less, the same proportions.

Tip: Elongate a square face and soften its angles

The perfect solution lies with round glasses.

Diamond shaped face

Diamond shaped faces are narrow forehead and jawline, and have wide cheekbones which can be tall and marked.

It is the rarest face shape.

The advice: Highlight the eyes and soften the cheekbones, try frames with distinctive colors or lines at the eyebrow level.

The round glasses oval in shape, or butterfly glasses Cat's eye shapes can also be good choices.

Round shape face

A round face has curved lines with identical proportions in width and length, without sharp angles.

The Tip: Refine and lengthen a round face, try frames with steep angles.

Rectangular glasses wider than tall can be good choices.

Inverted triangle shaped face

An inverted triangle shaped face (pointing up) is narrow at the forehead and widens at the cheeks and chin.

Tip: Add width and highlight the narrow upper third of the face, try frames with color and brow detail to accentuate the top half of your face

For women butterfly glasses and cat-eye frames can also be good choices.
For men Aviator-style glasses offer a good choice.

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